Understanding Parkinson’s Disease (Evening Session)

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease (Evening Session)

A formal Parkinson’s diagnosis can come after months, or even years, of searching for answers to seemingly unexplainable symptoms. For some, a Parkinson’s diagnosis brings a sense of relief — finally, an explanation and a name to what they’ve been experiencing. For others this diagnosis may bring about more questions than answers. Whatever you are feeling with your new diagnosis — it’s important to know you are not alone.

Parkinson’s disease is a complex neurological disorder. Just as each fingerprint is unique to an individual, so is the experience for those living with Parkinson’s. The need to address your patient’s specific needs and allow them, with their care partners, to participate in the choices about their own care is essential to ensuring the best quality of life.

In this presentation we will:

  • summarize the main characteristics of Parkinson’s disease;
  • identify the motor and non-motor signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease;
  • understand some of the treatment options and side effects of medications; and
  • talk about the importance of strict dosing schedules.

Our presenter, Laura Skrupskas, is Parkinson Canada’s Bilingual Program & Service Coordinator. She has been working with the senior population for over 20 years and in the non-profit sector for 10 years now. She has a degree in gerontology and certification in recreation management.

You can find more information about Parkinson’s at www.parkinson.ca

Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Registration:please email Jan at[email protected] to receive your Zoom link, and indicate that you wish to attend the EVENING session
Registration deadline: April 20, 2023

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