“No one ever
told me that grief
felt so like fear.”
– C.S Lewis
The unavoidable reality of caring for someone who has faced a terminal diagnosis is that you will eventually have to find a way to move through life without your loved one. Everyone’s grief journey is unique, and for some the grieving may even start while your loved one is still with you. We offer support, advocacy and companionship. As with all our services, we do our best to listen well and help you find the best way forward for you. For some, this may be a grief group; for others a referral to a one-on-one counsellor.
We are committed to walking with you on this journey.
To learn more or to arrange an appointment as soon as possible, call 613-406-7020 or 343-262-0902, email [email protected] or fax 343-809-8880.
Holidays and special occasions can be a tough time for those who are grieving. Here are links to some good information that we hope can help.
Grief: 10 Things to Keep in Mind from Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program
Grief in Times of Celebration: The Empty Spot from Canadian Virtual Hospice
Home Hospice Palliative Care can help facilitate connections with other community services.
Download the Home Hospice North Lanark Brochure
Our home visiting program is only one part of a constellation of services in our community and beyond. We’ve organized them into the following categories:
Local Health Teams, Clinics, Hospitals and Hospice Services and Facilities
These are books reviewed by members of HHNL.
- Hope for the Best, Plan for the Rest: 7 Keys for Navigating a Life-Changing Diagnosis
- Kiss The Joy As It Flies by Sheree Fitch
- Movie Review A Man Called Otto
- You’re Looking Very Well The Surprising Nature of Getting Old by Lewis Wolpert
- Bearing the Unbearable: Love, Loss, and the Heartbreaking Path of Grief by Joanne Cacciatore, PhD
- Grief Works: Stories of Life, Death, and Surviving by Julia Samuel
- The Goodbye Book by Todd Parr and Something Very Sad Happened: A Toddler’s Guide to Understanding Death by Dr. Bonnie Zucker
- When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
- The Company We Keep by Frances Itani
- Flee, Fly, Flown by Janet Hepburn