Everyone who enjoys crafting of any kind knows the scenario: you’re in the yarn shop/fabric store/art supply store. Something catches your eye. You’re excited. The creative juices start to flow and you can literally “see” that beautiful item you are going to make. Off to the cash you go. When you get home, you put down the bag and life takes over — meals need to be cooked, houses cleaned and laundry done. Weeks (maybe months or even years later) you find that bag. Hmmm. The vision is lost. So you add it to the bin(s) of other supplies that are waiting for the inspiration to return.

The recently formed Comfort Crew whose members are knitting and crocheting for clients of Home Hospice North Lanark (HHNL) is looking for that yarn. We’ve received many donations already, but this has taken on a life of its own, and most of the yarn has already been distributed to our members. Thanks to some great media exposure we have grown from 3 to 27 knitters since November! HHNL has already handed out shawls and blankets to residents of Almonte Country Haven, along with blankets to clients of HHNL.

With such an abundance of caringly created items, we are expanding our recipients to people in Long Term Care facilities in Almonte and Carleton Place. Plans are being made to facilitate the deliveries as COVID restrictions allow, and more and more items are delivered to us.

The story inside this story is that our members are deriving personal fulfilment from knowing their skills are comforting someone else. They are looking forward to the day when they can gather together to knit, share tips and patterns and feel the fellowship that is created when you are doing something for someone else.

So, if you are one of those crafters and have a stash of yarn that you would like to send out into the universe, please get in touch with Jan Watson at [email protected] who will be happy to coordinate a drop off point or organize someone to pick up your yarn. All of the items need to be fully washable, so we need synthetic yarns in DK or heavier weights. A small percentage of wool is also fine as long as the yarn is machine washable.

We extend a huge thank you to everyone involved with this lovely initiative!
