On Thursday, August 5 Home Hospice North Lanark was pleased to launch the expansion of their partnership with the Mississippi Mills Public Library. Both branches now have dedicated shelves containing a collection of books that focus on relevant information. HHNL is very pleased to make these resources more readily available to the people of Mississippi Mills.
The Pakenham branch has several books on a variety of topics from health eating, exercising and how to tell your family about your diagnosis along with a shelf with Home Hospice brochures as well as brochures from Carebridge, the Alzheimers Society, frozen food lists from Carebridge, booklets on Advanced Care Planning and Vials of Life.
In attendance were Jan Watson, Chair of Home Hospice North Lanark, Nancy Deschenes, Past Chair of HHNL, Phyllis Moore, HHNL Board Member, Liz Higginson, HHNL Visiting Volunteer, John Stephenson from the Elizabeth Kelly Foundation and Sherryl Smith, Bridging Generations volunteer and Pakenham community resident. Also on hand was Sheila Robertson, Pakenham Librarian.
Jan expressed special thanks to the Elizabeth Kelly Foundation for their generous support of this venture. She thanked those in attendance, and had only high praise for Monica Blackburn of MMPL who was unable to be there for all of her help and guidance in the purchase of books. Thank you Monica for all you do!
Jan also mentioned some upcoming training for Advanced Care Planning and Practical Training for Caregivers which could be held at the Pakenham Library downstairs room. Keep an eye on local and social media for details.